Dimensions of Mobility: Travel and Adventure in Modern China’s Literary and Cultural Landscape

1903 Liang QichaoNetwork Organisers: Kean-Fung Guan (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), Xuelei Huang (University of Edinburgh)

Edinburgh Co-organisers: Christopher Rosenmeier (Asian Studies), Chia-Ling Yang (History of Art)


Modern Chinese culture arose in a time that witnessed the internal rupture of tradition and the translation and retranslation of foreign cultures. Mobility and multi-dimensional cultural flows emerged as significant tropes in literary and cultural texts against this historical background. The literary and cultural landscape of China was reshaped in this process. This workshop explores the various dimensions of mobility, focusing on travel and adventure in modern Chinese literature and other forms of cultural text. We attempt to re-examine diverse manifestations of cultural representation and conceptual transformation, and to re-evaluate multiple paradigms and approaches. Authors, texts and concepts are the main objects of the studies presented at this workshop. The authors to be examined travelled across geographical borders, constantly expanded their spheres of activities, and promoted new dimensions of imagination. The genres of the texts to be discussed include fiction, translated work, travel writing, and images. These texts feature mobility in such forms as global trips and adventures in foreign countries. At the same time, various concepts, terms, and vocabularies were being translated and circulated across borders. The dimensions of mobility were also linked to a variety of broader themes, including the reconstruction of the subjectivity of self/other, the reshaping of the globe, and the transformation of media. This workshop aims to further explore new topics and materials in an effort to bring mobility, travel and the foreign into our understanding of modern Chinese literature and culture.





Workshop (Download the Programme Handbook )

15 June 2015 14:00-15:30, Boardroom, Main Building, Edinburgh College Art

14:00-15:30 PANEL 1: TRAVEL, ADVENTURE AND THE JOURNEY OF TEXTS 冒險、旅行與跨文化行旅 Chaired by Julian Ward
14:10-14:30 Kean-Fung Guan, Transformed Styles: Reconstructing the Image of Africa in Fiji Island Travels  顏健富,文體功能再轉化:論晚清《斐洲遊記》對施登萊《我如何尋找立溫斯敦》的重構
14:30-14:50 Wendong Cui, Cross-Cultural Travel of a Columbus Narrative: The Story of the Sea and Its Meiji Japanese and Late Qing Chinese Translations 崔文東,哥倫布敘事的跨文化旅行:以《大海的故事》及其日、中譯本為例
14:50-15:10 Joachim Gentz, Pure Self-Recognition in Absolute Being-Other. The Global Circumnavigation of Histories of Philosophy in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries 耿幽靜,在絕對他者中的純粹自我認識:哲學史在十九世紀末二十世紀初的全球航行


16 June 2015 9:30-17:00, Boardroom, Main Building, Edinburgh College of Art

9:30-11:10 PANEL 2: IMAGINING THE FOREIGN AND THE GLOBAL 異域想像與全球圖景 Chaired by Xuelei Huang
9:40-10:00 Hsin-I Chu, War, Foreign Lands and Imagination: Pictures of the “Sino-French War” and “Gapsin Coup” Series in Dianshizhai Pictorial   朱芯儀,戰爭‧異域與想像:以《點石齋畫報》之「中法戰爭」與「甲申政變」系列圖像為例
10:00-10:20 Wen-Hui Cheng, Production of Knowledge and Global Landscape: Cultural Narratives of Foreign Lands in Dianshizhai Pictorial 鄭文惠,知識生產與全球圖景-《點石齋畫報》中異域的文化敘事
10:20-10:40 Christopher Rosenmeier, Heroes of Korea in Wumingshi’s Wartime Fiction 羅愷思,無名氏戰時小說中的朝鮮英雄們
11:20-12:20 PANEL 3: IMAGES OF CHINA AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER 中國形象與世界秩序 Chaired by Chia-Ling Yang
11:20-11:40 Zhiguang Yin, Clashes of Universalisms: Xinjiang in British Royal Geographical Society Zhiguang Yin, Reports, and the Changing Relations between “Centre” and “Margin” in Nineteenth-century World Order 殷之光,普遍主義的衝突:英國地理報告中的新疆與19世紀世界秩序變遷中的「內外觀」
11:40-12:00 Xuelei Huang, Odours of the Other: China under the Noses of Western Travellers from Marco Polo to Nineteenth-century Missionaries 黃雪蕾,他者之味:西方人遊記中的中國氣味
12:20-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-14:30 PANEL 4: MOBILITY IN GENDERED TIME AND SPACE 性別版圖與時空流動 Chaired by Christopher Rosenmeier
13:30-13:50 Jin-Chu Huang, Space, Identity and Public Re-presentation: The “Mobility” of Late Qing and Early Republican Women Writers, 1840–1919 黃錦珠,空間、身分與公共再現:清末民初(1840-1919)女作家小說的「移動性」
13:50-14:10 Wai Siam Hee, From Amorous Histories to Sexual Histories: The Semantic Shift of the Term pi and Wang Tao’s Work on Amorous History 許維賢,從艷史到性史: 「癖」的溯源
14:50-16:10 PANEL 5: IMAGE, CONCEPT AND CULTURAL TRANSLATION 概念、圖像與文化翻譯 Chaired by Jin-Chu Huang
14:50-15:10 Chia-Ling Yang, From Miscellanea to Natural History: Travel and Translation in Modern Chinese Cultural Production 楊佳玲,從雜說到自然史:旅遊與翻譯的近現代文化產物探討
15:10-15:30 Chu-Ching Tsai, Translating Literature, Translating Modernity: A Study on the Entry “Literature” in Early Twentieth-Century English-Chinese Dictionaries 蔡祝青,翻譯文學,翻譯現代性–以近現代英漢辭典編譯「文學」詞條為中心
15:30-15:50 Nan Li, Crossing Oceans: The Influence of Hong Kong and Taiwanese Culture on 1980s Mainland Chinese Literature and Culture 李楠,跨海而來:港臺文化對1980年代大陸文學和文化的影響


16:10-17:00 ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION Chaired by Kean-Fung Guan and Wen-Hui Cheng




List of Speakers:

Wen-Hui Cheng 鄭文惠, Professor, National Chengchi University, Taiwan

Hsin-I Chu 朱芯儀, Ph. D. Candidate, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwans

Wendong Cui 崔文東, Lecturer, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Joachim Gentz 耿幽靜, Professor, University of Edinburgh, UK

Kean-Fung Guan 顏健富, Associate Professor, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

Wai Siam Hee 許維賢, Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Jin-Chu Huang 黃錦珠, Professor, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan

Xuelei Huang 黃雪蕾, Chancellor’s Fellow, University of Edinburgh, UK

Nan Li 李楠, Professor, Fudan University, China

Christopher Rosenmeier 羅愷思, Lecturer, University of Edinburgh, UK

Chu-Ching Tsai 蔡祝青, Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Julian Ward 汪居廉, Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh, UK

Chia-Ling Yang 楊佳玲, Senior Lecturer, School of History of Art, University of Edinburgh, UK